Columbia Kermit
000384_news@columbia.edu_Wed Feb 1 15:02:38 1995.msg
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From: ken@coho.halcyon.com (Ken Pizzini)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: Can MS-DOS kermit handle zmodem transfers?
Date: 1 Feb 1995 15:02:38 GMT
Organization: What, me?
Lines: 26
Message-Id: <3go7qe$ghi@news.halcyon.com>
References: <3gkt57$euc@israel-info.datasrv.co.il> <1995Jan31.205326.40045@cc.usu.edu>
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Apparently-To: kermit.misc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu
In article <1995Jan31.205326.40045@cc.usu.edu>,
Joe Doupnik <jrd@cc.usu.edu> wrote:
>In article <3gkt57$euc@israel-info.datasrv.co.il>, winter@zeus.datasrv.co.il (4th Dimension) writes:
>> I'm using both Unix kermit (C-Kermit 5A(190)) and MS-DOS 3.14.
>> On the remote Unix host I can use either kermit or sz (zomdem send).
>> On my local Unix, when I use kermit, I'm using the 'rz' macro defined in
>> the file rz.ini to handle zmodem tranfers from the remote Unix.
>> Is it possible for MS-DOS kermit to support zmodem transfers?
> No, Columbia Kermit programs don't do X/Y/Zmodem transfers. We
>think we have a very suitable protocol named Kermit which is just as
>fast as the others and much better in many respects.
Although I don't see why one would want to use [XYZ]modem transfers
when both ends have a proper Kermit, it possible to have rzsz.exe
perform your file transfers for you. Its been a long while since
I did such a thing, but I used to connect to a host that only supported
Zmodem transfers with an older version of MS-Kermit, so it is possible,
although I don't recall using anything so nice and packaged as the
"rz" macro of C-Kermit (what I did was more like: start remote
Zmodem transfer, suspend MS-Kermit, fire-up rzsz, resume MS-Kermit).
I don't run MS-DOS any more, so it would be painful for me to try and
figure out a good way to do this with MS-Kermit 3.14.
--Ken Pizzini